Sunday, December 29, 2019

8 consejos para elegir buen abogado de migración en USA

En muchas ocasiones, usted podrà ¡ llenar directamente la planilla de inmigracià ³n que precise. Dependerà ¡ de su nivel de inglà ©s, de su comprensià ³n de tà ©rminos legales y de la sencillez o complejidad de su caso. La ley incluso permite a los migrantes representarse a sà ­ mismo en corte migratoria. Sin embargo esta opcià ³n no siempre es recomendable. Lo cierto es que contratar a un buen abogado migratorio es clave en muchos casos para evitar problemas y demoras innecesarios, siendo su intervencià ³n especialmente de importancia en los casos que se resuelven en corte migratoria. Las estadà ­sticas demuestran que hay una gran divergencia entre casos ganados con abogados y los pocos ganados sin el asesoramiento de un abogado. Hay que tener presente que en los asuntos de inmigracià ³n, el gobierno de Estados Unidos no proporciona un abogado en ningà ºn caso, incluso cuando hay que presentarse en corte y no se puede pagar a uno porque no se tiene dinero. En estos casos, se comparece sin ayuda legal o se intenta hacer un esfuerzo y buscar a un abogado, incluso a uno que actà ºe pro bono, es decir, sin cobrar en casos concretos. Para el caso de nià ±os detenidos en la frontera, se recomienda informarse sobre quà ©Ã‚  organizaciones que brindan gratuitamente ayuda legal para estos menores. Cuà ¡ndo elegir abogado es muy recomendable Pero habrà ¡ situaciones en lo que lo mà ¡s recomendable es contar con la ayuda de un profesional que le ayude a presentar a tiempo todos los papeles necesarios y a representarlo, si fuera necesario,ante las autoridades migratorias o la corte. Ademà ¡s, tenga en cuenta que las leyes migratorias cambian con frecuencia, y lo que funcionà ³ para un familiar o conocido hace unos aà ±os puede que ya no sea aplicable a su caso, aunque sean muy parecidos. Y asuntos privados como un divorcio o un casamiento o problemas que parecen poco importantes como una detencià ³n por conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol o drogas (DIU) pueden tener importantes efectos migratorios. Para casos como estos lo mejor es contar con un buen abogado. Y, por supuesto, para:   casos de deportacià ³n, para decidir cà ³mo lucharla o si solicitar una salida voluntaria o un aplazamiento de la deportacià ³n (tambià ©n conocido como suspensià ³n o stay)  presentarse a corte,  cà ³mo cambiar de estado una citacià ³n para presentarse en cortepeticià ³n de perdà ³n y evitar  errores en el waiver por presencia ilegalasilocondena o acusacià ³n de haber cometido una felonà ­aabuso de condiciones de visas de trabajo Hno respeto al salario mà ­nimo, incluidos los trabajadores indocumentadosproteccià ³n por violencia domà ©stica (VAWA)por ser và ­ctima de violencia,trà ¡fico humanodivorcio cuando la green card se ha obtenido por matrimonio,etc. Incluso casos que pueden parecer simples como solicitar la residencia permanente por matrimonio o los papeles para hermanos pueden ser -como se puede ver en esos enlaces- procesos largos que precisan de muchos papeles. Ademà ¡s, recordar que en Estados Unidos sà ³lo abogados con licencia y representantes acreditados pueden brindar asesorà ­a legal. Los notarios no pueden hacerlo.   Sin embargo, la experiencia de miles de inmigrantes muestra que pocas decisiones como contar con un mal abogado pueden causar tantos disgustos, pà ©rdida de dinero, demoras en los trà ¡mites e incluso problemas serios con el Servicio de Naturalizacià ³n e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). 8 consejos para contratar a un buen abogado migratorio En primer lugar, pregunte: pida recomendaciones sobre abogados entre sus familiares, amigos y compaà ±eros de trabajo. Todo el mundo que ha utilizado los servicios de un abogado migratorio tiene una opinià ³n buena o mala. Elimine a los que reciben crà ­ticas razonables y haga un listado con los recomendados. Consulte tambià ©n con un par de organizaciones defensoras de los derechos de los inmigrantes ya que pueden ofrecerle tips valiosas. En segundo lugar, exija: es mejor que el abogado que se ocupe de su asunto se dedique a temas migratorios y no sea un especialista en todo. Pero asegà ºrese de que no se trata de un mega especialista en un tema migratorio que nada tiene que ver con su caso. Por ejemplo, poco le podrà ¡ ayudar si su campo de especializacià ³n es el asilo polà ­tico si lo que usted que necesita es conseguir una green card para un familiar. En tercer lugar, verifique: consulte con la asociacià ³n de abogados de su estado -Bar Association- para asegurarse que el abogado que desea contratar tiene todas las licencias pertinentes y no ha sido sancionado por comportamientos poco profesionales. Puede buscar informacià ³n adicional en asociaciones como la AILA, la asociacià ³n de abogados de inmigracià ³n con mà ¡s de 11,000 afiliados. Hay que resaltar que los denominados consultores de inmigracià ³n y notarios no actà ºan legalmente en todos los estados y que el USCIS no los considera personas con capacidad para representarle a usted ante la Administracià ³n o en Corte, ni tampoco para brindar asesorà ­a legal migratoria. Sin embargo sà ­ està ¡n autorizados para llenar formularios, pero nada mà ¡s. En cuarto lugar, compare: muchos abogados le ofrecerà ¡n la oportunidad de tener gratis una primera cita. Aproveche para entrevistarse con unos cuantos. El abogado le debe dar confianza. Usted debe sentirse cà ³modo para explicarle bien su caso y hacerle todas las preguntas que considere necesarias.Debe quedar bien claro cuà ¡l es su tarifa, cà ³mo trabaja, cuà ¡l es su experiencia en y cà ³mo y se van a comunicar durante el caso. En quinto lugar, elija al mejor para su caso: no se deje llevar por el impulso de escoger a un abogado de su paà ­s de origen o a uno que hable espaà ±ol por esas razones. Elija simplemente al que usted cree que es el mejor para llevar su caso. Si usted no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s y el abogado que le gusta no habla espaà ±ol pida la ayuda de un intà ©rprete. Hoy en dà ­a es muy comà ºn que las oficinas de abogados de inmigracià ³n tengan al menos una persona para comunicarse con efectividad con los hispanohablantes. En sexto lugar, no elija un abogado solamente porque es el que trabaja mà ¡s barato. A veces lo barato sale caro, pero tampoco elija al que pide los honorarios mà ¡s altos sà ³lo por esa razà ³n. Compare precios y los servicios, experiencia y atencià ³n que se ofrecen a cambio y escoja lo que le parezca mà ¡s razonable. Y tenga claro si le va a cobrar una tarifa plana o le va a cobrar por hora y, en este à ºltimo caso, cà ³mo se contabilizan las gestiones. Estas son las  cuotas promedio que pueden cobrar los abogados,  dependiendo del tipo de trà ¡mite. En sà ©ptimo lugar, recuerde siempre que usted es el jefe (patrà ³n): una vez que ya tenga abogado, confà ­e en su eleccià ³n. Pero si honestamente cree que se ha equivocado con su eleccià ³n y que no le pone suficiente atencià ³n a su caso o que se olvida de notificaciones importantes o que no responde a las llamadas en un plazo razonable, considere la posibilidad de despedirlo y contratar a otro profesional. En octavo lugar: es su caso, no el de su abogado: usted debe tener un mà ­nimo entendimiento de cà ³mo està ¡n las cosas, de quà © papeles son necesarios, quà © plazos hay que cumplir y cuà ¡les son las consecuencias si algo se hace mal. Hay que ser especialmente cuidadoso con los plazos, ya que si no se respetan las consecuencias recaerà ¡n sobre usted. Por ello, es recomendable que lleve al dà ­a un calendario y un pequeà ±o diario sobre el estado de sus diligencias ante las autoridades migratorias. Guarde copia de todas las cartas, gestiones, facturas y rà ©cords de pago. Recuerde que es usted la persona que sufrirà ¡ o disfrutarà ¡ las consecuencias de las decisiones del USCIS, no su abogado. Cà ³mo obtener asesorà ­a migratoria sin contratar a un abogado A veces por mucho que se quiera no se tiene el dinero para contratar a un abogado. Pero hay trà ¡mites que lo mejor siempre es contar con asesorà ­a legal. Intente encontrar a un abogado pro bono (que no cobra por un caso) para que se haga cargo del suyo. Otra opcià ³n es consultar con una organizacià ³n de apoyo a inmigrantes que puede prestar servicios legales migratorios a bajo costo o pueda referirlo a un abogado de tarifas moderadas y de confianza. Asimismo, los  mexicanos pueden solicitar ayuda para elegir abogado marcando gratuitamente al telà ©fono de la CIAM, donde pueden referir a abogados reputados expertos en el tema que le interesa a cada migrante.   Si usted cree que ha sido và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio, puede reportarlo anà ³nimamente marcando al telà ©fono de ICE  1-866-347-2423.   Finalmente, à ©ste es un listado de telà ©fonos a los que se puede marcar para informarse sobre trà ¡mites relacionados con migracià ³n, como arrestos, detenciones, trà ¡mites con USCIS, etc. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Price that Comes with Diversity is Racism - 1048 Words

I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation Under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Everyday of our pre-college educational lives, we stand and recite this pledge as a routine instead of an actual pledge. We go through school not knowing the actual meaning and not caring if we did. But for some people, the pledge is a forbidden text, not to be said through their lips even if forced for they feel the pledge has taken on a different fate. Instead of being a secular oath, it instead has become a religious prayer to God. Many have fought against the pledge, wanting change for their atheistic children. Many have been bashed for reciting it but in a way close to home, like saying it in a different language or adding in their ethnical god. Over the years, the phrase Under God ¨ has been put through a lot of controversy; Atheists and Agnostics have attacked it while Christian and Jew Americans have defended it, showing Under God is important in the Pledge of Allegiance. Diversity. Something the United States is acclaimed for. The price that comes with diversity is racism. Not just towards African Americans and Hispanics but also to other minorities. Minorities like the Arabs. To the variety of Arabs (Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc.), a lot of terrorist-related slurs have been thrown at them for doing something accustom to then; Saying Allah instead of God. This has earned a U.S. high school aShow MoreRelatedEth/125 Final Assignment Write a 1,050- to 1,750-Word Paper That Answers the Following Questions: †¢ What Information About Diversity in the United States Has Helped You Better Understand or Relate to Others in Ways That1619 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Ethics/125 Final Assignment† The information that I have learned about diversity in the United States of America has helped me better understand and relate to others in many ways. The United States of America is a giant melting pot of several different races, ethnicities, and cultures. What I have learned is that each group has their differences and similarities. With these differences in culture they have taught me how to be tolerant and accepting of them no matter how different from me theyRead MoreMedia Stereotyping1346 Words   |  6 Pagesways does the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? 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They see it on college campuses today, and they are not sure why. Subconscious prejudices, self-segregation, political correctness, reverse discrimination, and ignoranceRead MoreCultural Diversity Reflection Paper1794 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Wikipedia defines cultural diversity as, â€Å"the quality of diverse or diverse cultures†¦ The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other’s differences.† It is important to understand the importance of cultural diversity. Our country, jobs, and schools have a variety of cultures, races, and ethnic practices and groups. We should learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other to be able to collaborateRead MoreMulticulturalism in the United States Essay examples1463 Words   |  6 PagesOpponents state that immigrants coming to the United States must always lose their previous culture from their country of origin, to be able to completely assimilate to and fully embrace American culture. As Norman Podhoretz explains, this is the price of immigration, a â€Å"brutal bargain† for the opportunity of a better life (Podhoretz). Multiculturalism has led to a movement of anti-a ssimilation, which many Americans feel is in severe contrast to the true concept of their nation. As the sizes of immigrantRead MoreThe World As The Global Business1493 Words   |  6 Pagesan environment that constantly changes an organization needs to embrace diversity, this provides a bigger range of ideas, emotions, new perspective and a new direction into the future. These ideas are based on a bigger demographic population in a workplace, a company or a business that represents the same diversity, as society tends to survive the trends of our social economy. According to the Webster’s dictionary â€Å"Diversity† is defined as the state of having people who are different races or whoRead MoreGlobalization Has Made An Influence On Multiculturalism940 Words   |  4 Pagesto describe one way of approaching cultural diversity within a society. (, 2015). Globalization and the interconnectivity of different countries has made for a more multicultural society in that different cultures can share their traits and traditions with each other in terms of different kinds of foods for example. In Britain today we have a vast array of different kinds of foods such as French, Thai, Italian, Mexican and Arabic - which come from all around the world giving us more choiceRead MoreCharacteristics Paper1273 Words   |  6 Pagesspecifically, the first twenty Africans were brought to the United States in 1619. There were the first of ten thousand Africans that were brought during the 17th century. Since then the African American history is filled with the people being subjected to racism and other forms of torture. The African Americans that were brought in the United States were brought to the United States to serve as slaves to the non-colored, rich Americans of that time. Throughout the time, the African Americans were subjected

Thursday, December 12, 2019

No Plastic Bag Day Research Proposal free essay sample

The environmental consciousness of the public and consumer has been increasing due   to emergence of campaigns through media and public education during the century. The green concept is embraced by a lot of organizations and rabid environmentalists. Green product such as product without hazardous materials, energy saving components or recyclable items is very common in the society. There are also individuals who give priority to green product which bears eco-labels during their purchase. One of the more well known â€Å"green† consumer products is Body Shop who claims their products to be non-animal tested with recycling/refillable policies. In order to be compatible in this business world, a lot of company has succumbed to   practice green concept due to customer pressure and government regulation. Thus in this case, government becomes a power stakeholder which enforces the company to practice green concept through no plastic bag day . No plastic bag day was first started at the state of Penang on 1 July 2009 every Monday, before it was extended to Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well from Jan 2. To promote the â€Å"No Plastic Bag Day† ruling, the state distributed 500,000 brochures to create public awareness besides erecting educational billboards. This noble cause was then being followed by other states in Malaysia. As this campagign is becoming a viral in malaysia,we need to find out the how this campaign will affect the busineses.. We would like to figure out why certain businesses chose to adopt the implementation with open arms even though it might not gives any incremental impact on companys profitability. s we all know businesess play importatnt role in maintaining their reuptation and to achive good corporate social responsibility. Our research question will therefore be, What is the effect of no palstic bag day campaign towards businesses sales,reputation and corporate social responsibillities? There are objectives listed as guidance for this research. From the businesses perspectives,we would like to achive the following : 1. To study the level of cooperation of business towards the campaign 2. To investigate to effect f the campaign towards sales 3. To found out the effect of campaign towards businesses reputation and its corporate social responsibilities. Plastic bags can be a nuisance in the society. It can cause wastage problem as most   plastic bag is not bio-degradable if buried. It may releases unhealthy gases when burned. It may cause hygiene problem on the street which at the end causes diseases. Even though the Malaysian government has now trying to raise awareness on this issue, plastic bags are still widely used. This is where we can see the level of cooperation that business gave towards the campaign that being implemented widely. In this study, plastic bags which are the main issue will be studied as there is no previous study on this area at all. In order to get to the catalyst of the issue, the perception of the manager or supervisor who are responsible is being ask to understand the business opinion on the issue. This research will investigate whether the effect of no plastic bag day campaign towards the sales of every business who complied with it. Whether by implementing the campaign the income of the business will be decreased or not. In hoped that this will bring more understanding on this matter. However, it should be noted that a perception does not translate into practice. Therefore, business practice will be examined in order to understand the actual action of the business in aforementioned perspectives as well. With this research, the more important effect can be identified so that action can be planned to overcome the factors which restrict the business from practicing the appropriate endeavor in plastic bag issue so that plastic usage can be reduced. This research will hopefully help to understand the effect of campaign not only towards it sales but also business reputation as well as corporate social responsibility. Literature review -definition,framework,hypotheses, No Plastic Day is a world wide event intended to bring awareness of the over consumption of disposable plastic goods such as plastic bags and bottles. It is well known that there are floating islands of trash in most of the worlds oceans. The huge amounts of plastic trash we all discard daily doesnt decompose, doesnt break down, and most of it is toxic to the animals that accidentally consume it. The current rate of plastic consumption is not sustainable and is starting to create a huge problem for marine life particularly. Fish eat toxic plastic bits. We catch the fish and eat the fish. Its only a matter of time before weve polluted our own food supplies with plastic trash. ( source http://www. noplasticday. org/ sales : The exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent; the act of selling busineses reputation : Reputation may be considered as a component of the  identity  as defined by others source wikipedia Plastic bags have a cost to the environment and public health. They are not compatible with closed loop waste management systems, require consumption of increasingly scarce oil resources, require input of a high quantity of energy in manufacturing and are easily replaceable. Currently, the true cost to society of single-use plastic bag distribution is not captured in the price of plastic bags since damages resulting from their use are felt externally from the consumer, indicating a market failure. (Flores, 2010). The overuse of plastic bags in society is not economically efficient as the more cost effective option of reusable bag use is readily available (Smith, 2004). Methodology he methodology bla bla bla Research design The idea of our research rose due to the invocation of the states government for the â€Å"No Plastic Bag Day† campaign for it to be adopted by shops in the states. The campaign was later been adopted by many shops and the amount of shops that choose to adapt this campaign has been increasing. Hence,the purpose of our study is to explore about the significance this campaign gives to businesses. We would like to figure out why certain businesses chose to adopt the implementation with open arms even though it might not gives any incremental impact on companys profitability. The type of investigation that we are using is correlational study that will give identification of the important factor associated with the issue. We would like to know the how strong the effect of the implementation of the campaign towards businesses profitability,reputation and responsibility. We would like to keep the interference of researchers in the study as minimum as possible. Even though we are doing interviews for our research we will ensure there will be no changes made in the input or comments made by our respondents. The setting of out study will be non-contrived where natural environment where work proceeds normally. In the research,the field of study will be revolved around the businesses that is adapting the no plastic bag campaign. The population to be studied for our research is organizations including the shops that is adopting the no plastic bag day campaign. The reason for the population that we chose is because we would like to found out the effect and significance of the campaign from businesses perspectives. Our research will be based on longitudinal studies. We will investigate the effect from two period of time which is before the implementation of â€Å"No Plastic Bag Day† and after the implementation of it. By investigating through 2 period we will found the effect it gives by adopting the campaign towards businesses. Data collection we will use both primary and secondary data for our research. Seconday data is important for the use of to introduce our topic as general and to make people understand more about the nature of our topic. The primary data will be collected through 2 ways: 1. interviews We will choose businesses that is adapting this campaign and propose them with questions regarding the campaign . Our interview questions will be focused on their perspectives and how the effect ot gives to the business. We would like to found out their opinion and the level of cooperation of businesses towards the campaign.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Review on Airline Operation

Question: Discuss about the Review on Airline Operation. Answer: Introduction: Airline companies in order to maintain their standard of service delivery and to reduce variability in services provided to different customers, have standardized their service delivery process and is constantly working towards developing dependable service delivery for their customers. However, the cultural norms and values of a specific customer can dictate their thinking and actions. Culture plays a crucial role on the process of service delivery and design and hence it becomes important for organisations to formulate their service delivery policies keeping in mind the nations culture where they are operating. Employees who are imbibed with their own cultural norms and beliefs are more prone to be bias in their designing and delivery of systems, processes, procedures and even communication of the organisation. Literature Review of the Article: The article discusses in detail the impact of national culture on the airline operation management. Since airline industry caters to diverse customers from around the globe, hence they should be aware of their own cultural biases, both positive and negative, on the designing and deliverance of services. The quality of airline services includes the ability to provide high quality structural (such as seats and meals), infrastructural (in form of employee service to customers), and supply chain services (in the form of check-in, transfer and arrival services) to passengers (Choi, Lee Olson, 2015). Airline uses their culture as basis to differentiate their brand in a homogenised world of fierce competition. For example, the high crash rate in Korean Airlines is attributed to the national characteristics of the employee. Since in the Korean culture, employees would not challenge their managers even it means losing their lives. On the other hand, the concept of individuality is strongly en couraged in the U.S. culture (Arif, Gupta Williams, 2013). In order to study the customer satisfaction and their perception of service quality in the airline industry scholars have used service quality measures and customer assessment surveys (Baker, 2013). Airline industry has attracted a lot of attention for the standpoint of cultural norms and values and the impact it has created on the operation of the airline as well as behaviour of the airline crew. According to Hofstede, the culture of a nation plays an important role in the management theory and has been identified as an important variable in the cultural studies of many global organisations across disciplines (Namukasa, 2013). National culture is associated with the country where the airline is based and studies have found that majority of the airline employees belongs to their local culture. For example, in a multicultural country like United States, 84 per cent of the workforce has been born and brought up in America (Hussain, Al Nasser Hussain, 2015). Based on the framework proposed by Roth and Menor, a service firm makes choices in terms of structure, infrastructure and service supply chain, which are followed by the implementation of choices within a service delivery system. It can be said that, the experience of a passenger is indeed a combination of the design of the product and how it is delivered on-board (Shaw, 2016). People coming from high Power Distance culture (PDI), accept hierarchical order, in which everybody has an assigned place and which needs no further justification (Wu Cheng, 2013). However, the concept of PDI is not useful and effective when it comes to employee-boss relationship in the workplace. This can be very well perceived in the Korean airline industry where hierarchical mindset in the organisation has led to poor service delivery and a failure in service delivery. The uncertainty avoidance characteristic makes people of a particular society or culture feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity (Karatepe Vatankhah,2014). Both service providers and employees from a culture of high uncertainty avoidance ten to act with extensive detailed planning and risk aversion. These traits do not help in todays highly competitive market, design dominant, fast and innovative service environment of the airline industry. Like other service industries, even in airline industry interaction with customers vary from one individual to another and thus uncertainty is an integral part of such transactions. Most service industries have quality rating firms that evaluates and analysis the success of a particular firm with regard to its service delivery process. This also helps customers in the initial phase of purchasing a service by viewing the service delivery rating and review. The are various dependent variable which are interconnected and plays a crucial role in determining the quality of service in airline industry. These factors include behavior of the front-line staff, service efficiency, quality of meals, comfortable seats and smooth process of check-in, transfer and arrival services. Sytrax is a world recognized brand that provides professional audit and service bench-marking programs of product and service quality. Rating firms service quality assessment can be grouped into three categories they are construction, infrastructural, structural and service supply chain based on Roth and Menors Service Delivery Systems Architecture (Karatepe Vatankhah, 2014). Conclusion: This report thus analyses the impact of national culture on the operation and service quality of airline industry. Various researchers have studied and found out how characteristics of different cultures influence airlines success of service design and delivery. The most important cultural characteristics are uncertainty avoidance, individualism and future orientation. While individualism and uncertainty avoidance hinders airlines ability to provide good quality service to passengers, future orientation strengthens and enhances the services provided by the airline industry. Thus it can be concluded by saying that, there exist an important relationship between national culture and airline service quality. Therefore awareness must be created in order to avoid culture based partiality in the operation and service delivery of airline industry. References: Arif, M., Gupta, A., Williams, A. (2013). Customer service in the aviation industryAn exploratory analysis of UAE airports.Journal of Air Transport Management,32, 1-7. Baker, D. M. A. (2013). Service quality and customer satisfaction in the airline industry: a comparison between legacy airlines and low-cost airlines.American Journal of Tourism Research,2(1), 67-77. Choi, K., Lee, D., Olson, D. L. (2015). Service quality and productivity in the US airline industry: a service quality-adjusted DEA model.Service Business,9(1), 137-160. Hussain, R., Al Nasser, A., Hussain, Y. K. (2015). Service quality and customer satisfaction of a UAE-based airline: An empirical investigation.Journal of Air Transport Management,42, 167-175. Karatepe, O. M., Vatankhah, S. (2014). The effects of high-performance work practices and job embeddedness on flight attendants' performance outcomes.Journal of Air Transport Management,37, 27-35. Namukasa, J. (2013). The influence of airline service quality on passenger satisfaction and loyalty: The case of Uganda airline industry.The TQM Journal,25(5), 520-532. Shaw, S. (2016).Airline marketing and management. Routledge. Wu, H. C., Cheng, C. C. (2013). A hierarchical model of service quality in the airline industry.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,20, 13-22.