Thursday, November 28, 2019
Positive learning enviroment Essay Example
Positive learning enviroment Essay To be effective in analyzing and evaluating strategies I will require to establish and maintain a positive learning environment (PEEL) within my lessons, I will first establish what constitutes a PEEL through my own understanding including further research. I will then go on to analyses and evaluate the strategies I will use, focusing on the overarching ideas of behavior management (MM) and expectations, safety and assessment. I will link these to the Teachers Standards (TTS) throughout. A PEEL, echoing the words of Jacques and Holland (2007,104), has attractive displays based on hillsides work is tidy has a purposeful atmosphere when children are working promotes children self esteem. This is by no means a definitive list explaining how to create a PEEL, but addresses the important strategies I will use to create a PEEL and discuss throughout this essay. Behavior for learning (FL) must be addressed when discussing how to create a PEEL. Both are high on the agenda of myself as a trainee teacher, the government and teaching unions. The government has given the role of shaping FL to the head teacher of individual schools who is required by the Department for Education (UDF) (2014, 4) to produce a school behavior policy effective as a strategy for establishing and maintaining a PEEL, which sets out procedures to promote good behavior, self-discipline and respect prevent bullying ensure that pupils complete assigned work and which regulate the conduct of pupils. These concepts must be included within each schools behavior policy to create an established expectation of behavior within the school. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Looking at the behavior policy of Twofold Junior School (TTS), the school motto is Be proud to shine (TTS, 014,2), this has been developed by the children into a code of conduct summarized by the words Learn, Safe, Happy, Respectful (TTS, 2014, 2), echoing the requirements from the UDF for FL. The TTS behavior policy is vast and encompasses an amalgamation of ideas including behavior management and expectations, reward systems and inappropriate behavior management which will equip me as a trainee teacher to establish and maintain a PEEL within my lessons. Teaching unions to an extent, agree with the concepts outlined above from the UDF. Their interest in FL also aligns itself with the protection of pupils learning and teachers careers. In the National Union for Teachers charter Learning to Behave A Charter for Schools (no date,3) Any behavior that prejudices teaching and learning within schools is unacceptable For some teachers it can be the trigger for leaving the profession. Young people who exhibit unacceptable behavior diminish their own chances as well as those of their peers. Thinking how FL must be established through a government led school behavior policy and how it affects the Jobs of teachers, pupils and their learning through teaching unions it becomes clear how FL must first be established before a PEEL can exist. This is why I will begin with addressing BUM and expectations for a PEEL within this essay. In accordance with TTS of the Teachers Standards (TTS), teachers are to Manage behavior effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment (UDF,2011,12). Therefore BUM as a strategy for a PEEL is of utmost importance. TATS highlights the need for clear rules and routines accordance with the school behavior policy (UDF,2011,12) rules and routines create and shape the learning environment the way I want it to be. Having experienced how classrooms operate with and without a set rules and routines those with established lassoer rules having a quicker and more resolute way of dealing with inappropriate behavior I understand their need as a BUM tool within the classroom. I have also found through covering classes with a set of classroom rules on the wall, when asking the pupils my expectation of their behavior, they are quick and well equipped to respond. I will begin my teacher training creating a set of rules and routines with the pupils in agreement with Cicadas and Overall (1998,199) that Routines will work better if there is a shared and agreed understanding about them better if the children have helped to set them up. Through creating a set of rules and routines with my pupils, there will be a classroom behavior expectation which reflects the school behavior policy, promotes positive behavior and a feeling of security for the children of what to expect and what my expectations as a teacher are of them. As per Toss behavior policy Children know the consequence of breaking the rules TESTS supports this process which will encourage children to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10) to own their behavior. Classroom rules and routines are extremely useful to maintain PEEL they have been constructed together and can be referred back to throughout the year to reinforce positive behavior. BUM strategies to aid and enforce classroom rules and routines are in great supply from differing praise and rewards systems, to strategies of dealing with inappropriate behavior which are vital in constructing FL and a PEEL. TTS has a long list in its behavior policy to support BUM rewarding positive behavior includes merit marks, stickers, golden time and many more which I can utilize as strategies for FL for a PEEL. I have observed one strategy use throughout Year 3 at TTS of the brick move which highlights good and inappropriate behavior. It is a BUM strategy, which leads to golden time on a Friday afternoon where children can play with toys and sports equipment of their choice a reward for working hard throughout the week. The brick move reward strategy is similar to that of a traffic light system using more Jumps from start to finish. This strategy can be used in a number of ways, moves forward for correct behavior expectations and praising courteous behavior as expressed in TATS, but also moves backwards to highlight inappropriate behavior. One of the most effective uses I have seen and used of the brick move strategy is its use for positive discipline and reinforcement of behavior. Toss behavior policy for dealing with incidences of inappropriate behavior includes tactically ignore, acknowledge on-task behavior and privately and openly encourage positive behavior (TTS,2014,4) all focus on deferring negative behavior and reinforcing positive behavior through a brick move. I have used this within classes, rewarding the pupils showing expected behavior and have found it very effective as a BUM tool. I know positive discipline is a fantastic aid to establishing and maintaining both BAL and a PEEL and agree with Rogers, positive discipline isomer than ones use of language it is about creating the best environment and social climate for teaching and learning. (Rogers ,2007,52). The TTS state the classroom should be a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect (UDF,2011,10). Teeming with ideas, this extract requires breaking down into three parts safety, stimulation and respect. I will address these in the next paragraphs to discuss strategies I will use to create a PEEL. Abraham Mascots Theory of Human Motivation (1943) is an influential theory when thinking about the importance of safety within a classroom to establish a PEEL. Mason spoke about a hierarchy of needs required by humans to succeed in fulfilling their potential something which has been debated time again by those working in schools. Mason states There are at least five sets of goals, which we may call basic needs. These are briefly physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self- actualization. (Mason,1943). It is widely agreed that Mascots basic needs must be met for a PEEL to be established, children learn more effectively when they feel better bout being in this group and coping with this work, when fundamental needs are being met. (Rogers,1998,226). Greenhorns discusses strategies for a safe atmosphere within schools in his publication The classics are hard to beat (2012), including, clear expectations around behavior, supported by consistent sanctions. I have already discussed BUM through rules and routines these are also fundamental to feel safe children know what to expect, therefore feel secure. Its also necessary for children to know what to expect from myself as a teacher, It is important for teachers of all ages ND experience to be clear about exactly who they errand what they expect from their pupils. (Dixie,2007,8). When I first covered classes, I didnt introduce myself or state any expectations of rules or behavior BUM was difficult and I was inconsistent with it I know the children didnt feel they were in a safe or secure environment. Through observing lessons, it became clear an established expectation and consistency from teachers was expected by the children this is what I will aim to project throughout my teacher training, Young people want certainty from the adults in their lives. They need you to create and enforce boundaries to give them a feeling of security. (Cooley,2010,9). Creating a safe environment within a classroom to establish a PEEL requires using the strategy of inclusion. Inclusion provides a feeling of safety and security through the idea that children feel comfortable in the knowledge that as a teacher I will ensure that they have full access to the curriculum, Lessons should be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving As a teacher, I am required to ensure Inclusion means enabling pupils to participate in the life and work of mainstream institutions to the est. of their abilities, whatever their needs (Dixie,2011 , 14), which suggests to create a PEEL inclusion must be linked with differentiation to create a safe environment. Differentiation maintains ITS B children are challenged within their own abilities and I should set high expectations for every pupil and plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard (UDF,2013,8). Inclusion and differentiation as strategies to establish a PEEL is a huge and varied group of ideas, from SEEN to GET children, deploying support staff effectively through focus roofs and one-to-one help as needed by ATSC, they are key tools which will able me to create a PEEL through engaging appropriate support systems. I will address ideas of stimulation within the classroom within the next paragraphs. As explored earlier, its important for children to feel safe and secure within a classroom to establish a PEEL my classroom will need to be a space that provides pupils with adequate light, heat and seating space and the opportunity to drink fluids, will hellhole pupils feel safe, secure, happy and ready to learn. This refers to Mascots idea that Asia needs of a person must be met a PEEL established, before they can fulfill their potential. The layout of a classroom is also important for BUM to create FL and a PEEL throughout wider reading I know there are many ways to structure a classroom I have thought about all as a strategy to create a PEEL and believe putting desks in groups in my Year 3 training year will be most effective. I will use rewards systems through table points, differentiate levels and set targets more effectively by grouping children of a similar ability together I will also be arranging my classroom so that I can get to ACH student quickly and easily without disturbing or moving others. Positive stimulation for a PEEL also comes through the effective use of displays within a classroom they are an invaluable tool and strategy for a teacher to promote positive messages that can be transmitted through the medium of effective collapsibility. (Dixie,2011 ,31). Classroom displays, if used effectively, suggest to pupils academic ideals, a positive attitude towards work and a reinforcement of an authority of rules, they can as TESTS states Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10). Displaying established classroom rules and routines will provide me as a trainee teacher, a tool and strategy to refer back to throughout the course of the year to ensure positive FL to maintain a PEEL. Stimulation within the classroom is also created through displays of children work by putting their work up on the wall I will be displaying exemplary work to be followed, bettered and create high expectations which children want to attain as per ITS. I will be setting targets for them to aspire to where They feel valued, they feel a sense of belonging, which in turn makes them feel happier about school. A happy child is a child who is less likely to cause disruption. (Dunn,2012,49), therefore a valuable strategy to create and maintain FL and a PEEL. Respect is the final part of the extract from the TTS I will look at, the idea that The development of a positive classroom climate depends on this relationship being two-way, your respect for pupils should be reciprocated in their respect for you, (Caribou,1998,70). Respect must be mutual for a PEEL to exist, as per DOTS At its heart, good behavior management is about good teacher/student relationships. I know as a teacher I am required to be knowledgeable about my students as stated by TESTS wrought educational means by having appropriate expectations and planning the correct level of work, but also understanding that behavior always has a reason and is quite often routed in the history of the child. I also believe that respect leads to a PEEL through consistent and fair teaching which takes us back to BUM and children knowing what to expect and what the teachers expectations are. Establishing a PEEL through respect should also be taught in the classroom, Students have to learn to accept that they are responsible for their behavior and its effect on others and the classroom environment. Rogers ,2008,153). Through being a respectful classroom, you can see that FL becomes positive, which in turn creates a PEEL. To close, I will address the idea of maintaining a PEEL through utilizing assessment effectively. Formative assessment as a strategy for PEEL can be seen in learning objectives, learning expectations, targets and many other means. Formative assessment links Joins the idea that in creating high expectations for pupils, a PEEL will be established as set out in ITS and the National Curriculum Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Targets also help your less able children feel a sense of achievement. (Cooley,2010,50) thus embedding the concept of a PEEL. As set out in ATSC, formative assessment can be used as a strategy to guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made (UDF,2011,10). Both self, peer and teacher assessment through feedback, are amazing tools to create a PEEL through giving the responsibility of learning to the children, therefore Mascots idea that the creation of self esteem (through assessment) as a basic need allows children to fulfill their potential, The need to foster pupils self-esteem as learners is monumental to establishing a positive classroom climate, (Caribou,2008,73), therefore, The purpose of self- and peer-assessment is to help children to have a better understanding of assessment and therefore what constitutes progress and success.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Overview of the Last Glaciation
Overview of the Last Glaciation When did the last Ice Age occur? The worlds most recent glacial period began about 110,000 years ago and ended around 12,500 years ago. The maximum extent of this glacial period was the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and it occurred around 20,000 years ago. Although the Pleistocene Epoch experienced many cycles of glacials and interglacials (the warmer periods between the colder glacial climates), the last glacial period is the most heavily studied and best-known portion of the worlds current ice age, especially with regard to North America and northern Europe. The Geography of the Last Glacial Period At the time of the LGM (map of glaciation), approximately 10 million square miles (~ 26 million square kilometers) of the earth was covered by ice. During this time, Iceland was completely covered as was much of the area south of it as far as the British Isles. In addition, northern Europe was covered as far south as Germany and Poland. In North America, all of Canada and portions of the United States were covered by ice sheets as far south as the Missouri and Ohio Rivers. The Southern Hemisphere experienced the glaciation with the Patagonian Ice Sheet that covered Chile and much of Argentina and Africa and portions of the Middle East and Southeast Asia experienced significant mountain glaciation. Because the ice sheets and mountain glaciers covered so much of the world, local names have been given to the various glaciations around theà world. The Pinedale or Fraser in the North American Rocky Mountains, Greenland, the Devensian in the British Isles, the Weichsel in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, and the Antarctic glaciations are some of the names given to such areas. Wisconsin in North America is one of the more famous and well-studied, as is the Wà ¼rm glaciation of the European Alps. Glacial Climate and Sea Level The North American and European ice sheets of the last glaciation began forming after a prolonged cold stage with increased precipitation (mostly snow in this case) took place. Once the ice sheets began forming, the cold landscape altered typical weather patterns by creating their own air masses. The new weather patterns that developed reinforced the initial weather that created them, plunging the various areas into a cold glacial period. The warmer portions of the globe also experienced a change in climate due to glaciation in that most of them became cooler but drier. For example, rainforest cover in West Africa was reduced and replaced by tropical grasslands because of a lack of rain. At the same time, most of the worlds deserts expanded as they became drier. The American Southwest, Afghanistan, and Iran are exceptions to this rule however as they became wetter once a shift in their airflow patterns took place. Finally, as the last glacial period progressed leading up to the LGM, sea levels worldwide dropped as water became stored in the ice sheets covering the worldââ¬â¢s continents. Sea levels went down about 164 feet (50 meters) in 1,000 years. These levels then stayed relatively constant until the ice sheets began to melt toward the end of the glacial period. Flora and Fauna During the last glaciation, shifts in climate altered the worldââ¬â¢s vegetation patterns from what they had been prior to the formation of the ice sheets. However, the types of vegetation present during the glaciation are similar to those found today. Many such trees, mosses, flowering plants, insects, birds, shelled mollusks, and mammals are examples. Some mammals also went extinct around the world during this time but it is clear that they did live during the last glacial period. Mammoths, mastodons, long-horned bison, saber-toothed cats, and giant ground sloths are among these. Human history also began in the Pleistocene and we were heavily impacted by the last glaciation. Most importantly, the drop in sea level aided in our movement from Asia into North America as the landmass connecting the two areas in Alaskas Bering Strait (Beringia) surfaced to act as a bridge between the areas. Todays Remnants of the Last Glaciation Though the last glaciation ended about 12,500 years ago, remnants of this climatic episode are common around the world today. For example, increased precipitation in North Americas Great Basin area created enormous lakes (map of lakes) in a normally dry area. Lake Bonneville was one and once covered most of what is today Utah.ââ¬â¹ Theà Great Salt Lake is todays largest remaining portion of Lake Bonneville but the old shorelines of the lake can be seen on the mountains around Salt Lake City. Various landforms also exist around the world because of the enormous power of moving glaciers and ice sheets. In Canadas Manitoba for instance, numerous small lakes dot the landscape. These were formed as the moving ice sheet gouged out the land beneath it. Over time, the depressions formed filled with water creating kettle lakes. Finally, there are many glaciers still present around the world today and they are some of the most famous remnants of the last glaciation. Most ice today is located in Antarctica and Greenland but some ice is also found in Canada, Alaska, California, Asia, and New Zealand. Most impressively though are the glaciers still found in the equatorial regions like South Americas Andes Mountains and Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Most of the worlds glaciers are famous today however for their significant retreats in recent years. Such a retreat represents a new shift in the earthââ¬â¢s climate- something that has happened time and time again over the earths 4.6 billion year history and will no doubt continue to do in the future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Just War Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Just War Theory - Essay Example Orend observes that a state may also indulge in war for defending its territories to achieve internal and inter-boarder peace. Orend believes that for war to be justified, it must engage use of weapons and be well organized and arranged in advance before strike. Orend defines a just war as an intentional, actual organized and armed attack between aggressors. Just war theory is based on two points of view; classic and contemporary just wars. Schall reports that theorists like the Father Webster and Mr. Cole insist that for a war to qualify as just, it must base on classic concept and should not involve evil actions like fighting the perceived innocent and noncombatant individuals. Father Webster and Mr. Cole believe that a justified war should transpire through certain criteria. The contemporary concept of just war permits armed attack under the claims of self-defense by a country. The contemporary concept of just war recognizes permission granted for coercion to be based on the defen se of the individual state and the collective world. Contemporary concept of just war also proposes international support to the state subjected to attacks by the aggressor. The contemporary concept of just war argues that international community can merge to execute collective defense to a member state facing attack from internal militia who get support from foreign aggressor. The contemporary concept of just war advocates for use of military force in intervening cases that involve serious abuse of human rights (Johnson 33). This argument was passed to be a moral cause of just war waged against the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The contemporary concept of just war further argues that the just war should not be fought in a manner that exempts the attack and harm of the noncombatants. From this argument, the proponents of contemporary concept stood to rebuke the air bombing dropped during the war against Iraq, which harmed many noncombatants (Johnson 34). Contemporary concep t of just war allows the military troops to breach the laws of right conduct in war when overwhelmed by the opponent superior forces (Johnson 35). The Iraqi militia forces when resisting the new Iraqi government employed this principle of just war. The contemporary concept also justifies a war conducted against a state perceived to bear threats to the aggressor and the entire UN. This perception led to the collective synergy of the UN and Bush Administration in conducting disarmament attack against Saddam Hussein. The contemporary concept further argues that any killing conducted during war is wrong and can only be exceptional under sufficient justification. The classic concept argues that provoking just war is permissible to a political community that enjoys peace in its surroundings but faces danger of attack from the aggressors. A responsible political authority is permitted to use armed force as tool perceived to the only mean offering protection to citizens and ensuring peace i n a war threatened state. The classic concept of just war injustice and the threats linked to injustice are the basic moral problems that need to be addressed. The use of force in accomplishing just war is considered harmless under the classic point of view. The classic concept of just war argues that the measure of morality of force depends on the one using it and the reason behind the use of the force (Johnson 36). Classic concept justifies war when based on just cause and the right intention for provoking the war
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 4
Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation - Essay Example Entrepreneurial behaviour is needed, and it is through the individual characteristics of entrepreneurs that enterprises and organisations occur. For the first section, this essay analyses the individual characteristics of three types of entrepreneurs, namely, small-business entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, and social entrepreneurs. Then the second part presents a comprehensive debate on the role of individual characteristics in entrepreneurial choice or preference. Small business entrepreneurs are the powerhouse of the private business world. They create the competitive drive; enhance economic development and social backbone; generate employment, new enterprises, and prospects for others. Small business entrepreneurs are idealistic self-beginners who are fond of taking the risks of building new businesses (Chen et al., 2012, p. 1314). They possess the boldness, creating an environment of dynamism, ingenuity, and opportunity to develop. Primarily, they initiate change and are dedicated, tireless, and opportunity pursuersââ¬âagents who discern a market demand and fulfil that demand by transforming it into a profitable venture (Walker et al., 2013, p. 186). The act of disentangling oneself from the crowds of the employed to start a small business exhibits commitment and resolve. However, numerous other characteristics of small business entrepreneurs, such as confidence, flexibility, and adaptability, bring them success as entrepreneurs. A large scale research by the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute discovered that there were specific characteristics that showed up among the most profitable, successful small business entrepreneurs (Walker et al., 2013, p. 186-8). Roughly 1,100 small organisations took part in the Guardian research. Generally, the research discovered several major characteristics that distinguished successful small business entrepreneurs (Baum et al., 2014, p. 94). First, small business
Monday, November 18, 2019
The genetic basis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) Essay
The genetic basis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency - Essay Example 008, pp.64, define G6PD deficiency as ââ¬Å"an X-linked, hereditary genetic defect due to mutations in the G6PD gene, which cause functional variants with many biochemical and clinical phenotypesâ⬠. Most of the mutations are single base changes that result in amino acid substitutions. G6PD deficiency presents itself clinically in the form of acute haemolytic anaemia (Capellini & Fiorelli, 2008). The gene responsible for the production of the enzyme G6PD is the G6PD gene G6PD is the catalyst responsible for oxidising glucose-6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconate, while at the same time it is also responsible for the reduction of the oxidised form of nicotanamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). This function of G6PD in the production of NADPH is important, as it is NADPH that plays a role as a cofactor in many biosynthetic reactions and maintaining glutathione in its reduced form (Carter & Gross, 2008). Reduced glutathione functions as a scavenger within cells, removing the dangerous oxidative metabolites in the cells. In addition with assistance from the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, it neutralizes hydrogen peroxide, which is harmful to the cell, by converting it to water. G6PD and its role in the production of NAPDH is important to red blood cells, as NAPDH is the sole contributor of protection to the red blood cells against oxidative stresses, The importance of G6PD to the red blood cells lies in it being the sole source of NAPDH and the protection NAPDH offers the red blood cells (Carter & Gross, 2008). The G6PD gene that is responsible for the enzyme Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase is found on the terminal region of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq28), at a distance of less than 2 centi-Morgan centrometric to the Factor VIII gene. G6PD deficiency is a genetic condition, wherein the molecular grounds for the disease stems from mutations in the G6PD locus at Xq28. The length of the gene is 18
Friday, November 15, 2019
Strategies That The Proponents Plan To Execute Marketing Essay
Strategies That The Proponents Plan To Execute Marketing Essay This chapter will include a clear discussion on the marketing strategies that the proponents plan to execute for the first 5 years of business operation in Singapore. Specific marketing strategies that include SMART objectives will be used to acquire the desired market share. It will also include the specific target market and positioning statement of the proposed product. Specific Target Market The proponents have decided to target the age group of male and female18 years old and above in the whole country of Singapore. Based on our GMID research, this age group accounts for more than 3.6 million of the total population in year 2010 and it is forecasted to increase to more than 4 million in year 2015. Singaporeans give much importance to their health. They become increasingly health-conscious, as expenditure in health sector remain strong the more this sector is viewed with high importance. Aside from ageing population of Singaporeans, it is also becoming a trend to the young generation (18 years old and above) to practice living healthily through taking health supplements and doing other health and wellness activities. The age group (18 yrs old and above) lives a busy lifestyle. They are active in different activities and are more prone in acquiring diseases. Trends in taking health supplements are now shifting to bigger target consumers. Children are now also advised by their parents to take food supplements especially those who are entering the real world industry. This is due to the fact that parents worry that their children are not getting enough nutrients because of the hectic lifestyle today. Competitive Review Cerebos Pacific Ltd Due to the companys dominance in vitamins and dietary supplements, Cerebos Pacific Ltd was ranked first with a value share of 5% in 2009 within overall consumer healthcare. This was mainly because the brand name became the first choice of the consumers. The market started to purchase their product because the company was able to establish good reputation among their consumers in providing quality products. In addition, its wide range of products catering to consumers from the young to the elderly contributed to its success in vitamins and dietary supplements. Cerebos Pacific Ltd positions itself in the high-end of the product categories. The establishment of its brands ensures that consumers remain willing to purchase their products. Strategies: Product Line Innovation Cerebos Pacific Ltd continues allot time and money to introduce innovative products to meet consumers demands. The company has research and development laboratory located in Singapore for product innovation purposes. In mid 2009, the company introduces Brands InnerShine Prune Essence to provide consumers with a liquid supplement that has both beauty and digestive benefits. Due to expansion of product line and product development, the company was able to gain more profit. They were able to cater bigger market and able to meet the demands of the consumers. This strategy was very effective because it gave positive outcomes in terms of profits and market. Extensive Advertising Cerebos Pacific Asia Ltd relied heavily on extensive advertising. The company does not target only the elderly but the young generation as well. To appeal to the younger generation, the company made MTV video jockey. The company also revamped the packaging of its child-specific vitamins and dietary supplements and renamed it to Brands AlphaMynd. The company believes this will enable them capture the taste of young generation because of its appealing packaging. Ricola Asia Pacific Ltd RAP is a well-known company because they produce products that are made from 100% natural herbs. The company uses the finest natural ingredients and is well known for soothing, refreshing and good tasting properties. Ricola is paying great attention to the selection of where and how the herbs for its products are to be grown. The company promotes natural cultivation in Swiss mountain areas, in good distance from major roads and agglomerations. Source: Strategies: Good Taste Ricola Asia Pacific Ltd is well-known for producing herbal products are that refreshing and good in taste. The company in fact won the Best Taste Award in 2008 which proves that Ricola herbal products are unique and good in flavor. For after nearly 70 years, Ricolas Original Herb Candies have remained unchanged, as good as they always were: hard and slightly rough on the outside, wonderfully mild and delicious inside. Ricola has been blending 13 precious medicinal herbs from Switzerland with the same delicious recipe. The mix is particularly effective for colds, coughs and hoarseness, always refreshing and has that fabulous, unique flavour. Focus on health Ricola Asia Pacific Ltd is known for producing herbal products that are made from 100% natural ingredients. For the past 70 years, the company has emphasized all natural and good health in its marketing campaigns. Ricola emphasized to their consumers that the company uses only herbs that comes from natural cultivation and healthy to human body. Comes in convenient packs Ricola offer their products in convenient packs. The company wanted to promote herbal products to be a daily use to the consumers. The company introduced the convenient click-shut box pack that fits any pocket and is ideal for travelling. With this strategy, the company emphasized in their marketing campaign Never be without your favourite Ricola candies again and enjoy the smooth, soothing flavour of natural mountain herbs in a variety of selected flavours wherever you are. Positioning Statement Tagline : ZILI Plus: Spice your life, the healthy way! Catchy taglines act as an edgy marketing tool in defining the business and product. The proponents have decided to use ZILI Plus: Spice your life, the healthy way as the tagline for the proposed product. This gives the target market the idea that our product is all about health. ZILI Plus is a food supplement made from all natural cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful herbs in the world because of its benefit to human body. It is made out of vegetable capsules which has the highest concentration of Capsaicin among other pepper herbs. Capsaicin found in cayenne pepper contains Vitamins A, B, C and K. It stimulates blood circulation and digestion and contributes significantly to a healthy heart and strong peripheral circulation. Market Positioning: Health and dietary supplements with 3 powerful health benefits in one capsule The market positioning statement states how the proponents want the public to perceive the proposed product. In this case, we want the public particularly Singaporeans to view our product as a health and dietary supplement which differs from other products due to the three benefits that it offers healthy heart, stimulates digestion and healthy blood circulation. Marketing Objectives and Strategies FIRST YEAR OPERATION: 2012 Product Strategy Objective To be able to introduce and launch ZILI Plus in Singapore in the first term of year 2012 To create brand awareness among majority of our target market which are male and female ages 18 and above in Singapore by the end of year 2012 Product Description: ZILI Plus is made from all natural cayenne peppers. Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin compound which is used to stimulate blood circulation and digestion. The proposed product serves as a food supplement which can be used to prevent diseases related to heart, digestive and circulatory system. It contains highly concentrated capsaicin found in no other herbal products; Used in cleansing the digestive tract and helps peripheral blood circulation. Unique Selling Proposition: Three health benefits in just one capsule For healthy heart, stimulates digestion and healthy circulation Strategy: ZILI Plus is not just ordinary food supplement. It is 100% herbal product. It is made from all natural grounded cayenne pepper. This product is not just designed for adults but also for young ones who also seeks to live a healthier lifestyle. Proponents want to change the thinking of people that herbal food supplements are only for by adults. Now, food supplements are taken not only by the adults but also by the teens. Joining the trade fairs The proponents will introduce ZILI Plus in Singapore through joining trade fairs in 2011, the year before the product will be launched. This will be able to help the company create brand awareness among majority of the potential customers in Singapore by the end of the year 2012. There are several trade fairs held in Singapore year after year and it includes health related fairs. Distribute flyers to the general public The proponents will instruct our potential distributors in Singapore to distribute the flyers to the public in the major streets and roads in Singapore. This will be able to increase brand awareness and let the public know that the proposed product is now available in the Singaporean market. Pricing Strategy Objective To be able to sell ZILI PLUS at a price of SGD 15 in Singapore Strategy: The proponents decided to use comparative pricing strategy during the first year operation in Singapore. Comparative pricing is a strategy where in the seller takes into account competitors pricing. For our case, the average price of 60 capsule health supplement bottle is sold at an average price of $15. Through this strategy, the competitors would be able to directly compete with the existing food supplements available in Singapore. Base from research, Singaporeans are quality based purchasers. They consider the quality and benefits that they will get from the product. They weigh the benefits offered by a certain product with another product before buying it. Export Sale Export Sale (PHP) (SGD) Factory price 163.2 4.8 FOB Manila cost 54.74 1.61 subtotal 217.94 6.41 Exporter mark up 50% 108.97 3.21 subtotal 326.91 9.62 Importer mark up (30%) 183.07 5.38 Final selling price 509.98 PHP 15.00 SGD Exchange Rate: As of March 6, 2011 1 SGD = 34 PHP Factory Price of product PHP SGD Direct Materials 40.8 1.2 Direct Labor 51 1.5 Factory Overhead 71.4 2.1 Product Cost 163.2 4.8 Place/Distribution Strategy Objective: To be able to maximize the availability of ZILI Plus in major health stores in Singapore from 2012 onwards Strategy: Terms of Distribution The proponents have decided to use indirect selling in distributing our product in the market. ZILI Plus will be exported to Singapore via Ship and FOB shipping point. The proposed product will be distributed to largest retailing stores in Singapore who will be selling it to market. This will able to create brand awareness to our target consumers thus expanding our market and increase sales. Illustration 6.1 Distribution Channels in Singapore Source: Trade Sources and Market Observations Small shops illustrated in the diagrams include family owned and operated organic food and health food businesses; some are single site operations, while others have multiple outlets. It also involves large chains of health food shops, pharmacies, personal care shops and specialist nutrition retailers. Pharmacies and health food shops located on the premises of Singapores hospitals are also classified under the small shops. GNC as distributor of ZILI Plus in Singapore Global Active Limited (GNC / General Nutrition Center) Global Active Limited is the leading retailer of Health and Nutritional Supplements in Singapore. The company strives to provide a complete range of nutritional products to its customers The popular brands that Global Active Limited offer includes LAC, NURTURE, EAS, Muscletech, Optimum Nutrition, GU Energy Gel, Nutrition Now, BSN, Cytosport, Pacific Health, Solaray, Lily of the Dessert, Rainbow Light, MHP and Natural Balance. Global Active Limited has the widest selections under categories such as Vitamins Minerals, Lifestyle Formulas, Weight Watchers, Food Supplements, Sports Nutrition, Herbal and Beauty Care. The company is the sole franchisee for GNC in Singapore. GNC is the worlds largest chain of health food and has 7,000 GNC stores worldwide. Have a total of 55 outlets currently operating in Singapore. Importer-Distributor-End User The proponents would like to use the importer-distributor/retailer-end user method of distribution during the first year of operation. The importer and distributor will serve as the intermediary between the proponents and the end user in Singapore. The proponents chose Global Active Limited to be the importer and distributor of our product to the end users. It is already assumed that these intermediaries will surely place a margin over the original price of the product. The proponents prefer to have Global Active Limited GNC to be the retailer of our product during our first year operation because of its long existence in the market. The company already established a name in the market and have gained the trust of the public. It is important for choose a retailer with good reputation because they will be the representation of what the product is all about. The company is known for selling only quality products at an affordable price. LIST OF GNC OUTLETS IN SINGAPORE [emailprotected] City Link Anchor Point Shopping Centre Centrepoint Ang Mo Kio Hub Chinatown point Arcade City Square Mall Bedok Central Clementi Central Bugis Junction Compass Point Bukit Merah Central Fuan IT Mall Bukit Panjang Plaza Great World City Bukit Timah Plaza Harbour Front Centre Chevron House Forum Hougang Mall IMM ION Orchard Guthria House Junction 8 Holland Viallage Jurong Point Guthrie House Liang Court Internationla Plaza Lot 1 Millenia Walk Nex Mall Novena Square NorthPoint Paragon Marina Square Parkway Parade Raffles City Suntec City Tampines Mall Takashimaya Tanglin Mall Tao Payoh Vivocity West Mall White Sand West Coast Plaza TRANSPORT TIME (MANILA PORT SINGAPORE PORT) Port of Loading : Manila, PH Port of Discharge : Singapore, SG Transport Time : 4 days and 2 hours Distance : 1373 nautical miles Vessel Speed : 14 knots Source: Promotion Strategy Objective: To be able to acquire 0.5% of the total market share at the end of December 2012 Strategy: The proponents decided to use push strategy in promoting the proposed product to the distributors/retailers in Singapore. Distributors/retailers will then be the ones who will market our product to the end consumers. In our first year operation, GNC will be the distributor of ZILI Plus. Retailers/ Distributors, the medium to reach consumers/ end users are very important factor in distribution. Proponents must be able to convince them that the product will be a great opportunity for them to increase their profit. Once proponents are able to convince retailers/distributors that ZILI Plus will be beneficial for them, it will now be sold in their stores and it can reach the end users. Good reputation of GNC GNC has been existing in the market for quite some time. They are known for selling only quality health related products. They were able to gain the trust of the public through maintaining a good reputation and ensuring the public that all their merchandises are safe and of quality standard. The proponents are taking the opportunity and use this to gain the trust of the public. Since GNC will be our distributor, it basically sends the message to the public that ZILI Plus is safe and made from quality ingredients. Online advertisements: Proponents will be utilizing the power of the internet to reach to a wide target audience. A company website will be created to give knowledge to the public that such company exists. It will contain all the basic information about the company and the product lines the company is selling. The website will be submitted to major search engines like the Google and Yahoo. This will enable the company to reach the target market easier. Online advertisement is a means to create brand awareness. If people want to know more about the product all they have to do is just type it in their local search engines and click it. Trade fairs The proponents plan to join trade fairs which mainly focus on health to further promote the product. It will create brand awareness among retailers in Singapore and at the same time promote it to the locals. Other promotions will include flyers and brochures for the proposed product. This will highlight the three main benefits of the product namely a healthy hearts, stimulates digestion and healthy blood circulation. These advertisements must be captivating to ensure that the market will be attracted to it. Green will be the colour for main colour to be used in the proposed product because it represents nature and it also says healthy. We want our product to be known for its all natural ingredients and benefits for the body. Contingency Plan 2012: In any case that the marketing plan set up for year 2012 may fail due to unfortunate events that may occur, the proponents prepared a backup plan that should be executed immediately. The only problem that may occur is that the public might not respond well to the product due to the fact that the brand is new in the market. It can be assumed that promotional strategies may not be enough for the market to see the benefits of the product. So to resolve this problem, additional promotional strategies may be asked from the potential distributor GNC. Proponents will negotiate with GNC that further promotion may need to be executed like putting an ad in their local newspaper or coming up with more flyers. SECOND AND THIRD YEAR OPERATION: 2013-2014 Product Strategy Objective To be able to a acquire 1.4% of the total market share in Singapore by the end of December 2014 Strategy: During the second and third year of operation, the proponents would like to increase the market share in Singapore as stated above. Apparently, before the proponents can be successful in increasing the market share, brand awareness should also be increased. Assuming that the first year operation was successful, the proponents plan to continue what has been done during the first year and make some improvements. We will ensure that the production will be efficient and yet meeting the quality standards. Quality is the most important asset of the proposed product. The consumers will choose our product over the others due to its quality. To accommodate the increasing potential consumers, production will be doubled from 2100 bottles per day to 4200 bottles per day. Pricing Strategy Objective To be able to maintain the retail price of ZILI Plus at S $15 Strategy: The proponents will still stick to the pricing strategy used during the first year operation which is comparative pricing. Since the product is still new in the market, it is not yet advisable to increase the price of ZILI Plus. We will still maintain the price of SGD 15 per bottle. Assuming that we are profitable during the first year operation, we are confident that profit will increase as brand awareness continues to arise. Place/Distribution Strategy Objective To be able to maximize the availability of ZILI Plus in major health stores in Singapore from 2012 onwards Strategy: The proponents again will use the traditional importer-distributor/retailer- end user method of distribution. During this 2013-2014 operation, the proponents are planning to make the product available in more stores through having additional distributor which is the Unity NTUC Healthcare. Unity NTUC Healthcare is also one of the top retailers of health supplements in Singapore. In this case, Unity will also be the importer. Numerous people visit their stores everyday to purchase health supplements. There are more than 25 Unity NTUC Healthcare stores in Singapore today, so basically they can help promote our product. More people will be exposed to the proposed product because of the availability of it in several stores. It can also result to increase in brand awareness. Trade discounts will also be offered to our potential distributors to be able to convince them to sell ZILI Plus. Through this, distributors may tend to purchase/order more because trade discounts will be offered when the distributors are willing to purchase more. It will also be a way to convince these retailers to market the product for us in Singapore. Unity NTUC Healthcare as Distributor Unity NTUC Healthcare is the largest healthcare cooperative in Singapore. Currently operates 48 Unity pharmacies across Singapore Unity NTUC Healthcare delivers superior range of health and wellness products and services, served by warm and professional staff, pharmacists, physicians, therapists and dentists. Unity NTUC Healthcare range of merchandise focuses on stay well along with get well aspect of health. LIST OF UNITY NTUC HEALTHCARE IN SINGAPORE Ang Mo Kio Hub Plaza Singupura Bedok Pungool Plaza Bishan Raffles cIty Bukit Batok RivervalePlaza Bukit Merah Central Serangnoon Central Bukit Panjang Plaza Singapore Post Centre Bukit Timah Plaza Suntec City Clementi Tanpines Mall Dawson Place Tamplines One Eastpoint Mall Thomson Plaza Fortune Centre Tiong Bahru Plaza Great World City Tao Payah Lorong 4 Harbour Front Centre Tampines Street 83 Hiugang Tanglin Mall Hougang Point Tao Payoh Lorong 4 Jurong East West West Coast Plaza Jurong Point White Sands Shopping Centre Lot 1 Shoppers Mall Woodlands Civic Centre Marine Parade Yew Tee Point New Upper Changi Yishun Sources : Promotion Strategy Objective To be able to increase profit by 5% during the end of December 2014 Strategy: The proponents will continue to use the push strategy in which proponents will market the product to the distributors/retailers. We believed that this strategy will be able to help us increase our sales and boost product awareness. Since it is apparent that using push strategy is successful, the proponents are now taking the next step through adapting to another strategy which is the pull strategy. Pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek out your brand in an active process. Of course to make this strategy successful, participation from distributors will be needed. The proponents will ask the distributors to make our product more visible to the public through making their sale displays attractive especially for our product. On the other hand, we are confident that a distributor like GNC will sell our product is because the brand doesnt offer a product like ours. Their products are more on specialized like food supplements for a healthy heart but nothing can directly compete with our ZILI Plus. Online advertisements will still be utilized to further increase the brand awareness and information can be accessible to everyone. The website will also include other promotion strategies which will be used to further promote the product. The company will continue to join trade fairs in Singapore to which will promote overall well-being and health. During this year the proponents are planning to sponsor seminars which will highlight the importance of health or health related. Through this, brand awareness will be created hence giving the company an edge in the market. The company can also establish a good reputation in Singapore by exercising social responsibility and showing that the company cares for the overall well-being of the people and not just about profits. Contingency Plan: In case that marketing plan for year 2013-2014 is not a success, the proponents will have to make certain adjustments. Like instead of comparative pricing, the product will now be sold at a lower price using the market penetration strategy. This will probably help the proponents to increase profit. The market may not respond well to the product due to its still early and brand recognition is not yet widespread. Also, proponents may have additional promotion strategies like giving promos like buy one take one or handing out sample products. Through this, consumers can try how effective ZILI Plus can be and the benefits they can get from it. Sometimes giving out freebies results to brand awareness or brand recognition. Practically because people gets attracted to free stuffs. FOURTH AND FIFTH YEAR OPERATION: 2015-2016 Product Strategy Objective: To be able to increase the market share up to 3% by the end of December 2016 Strategy: During this time, the company have already established a name and the product is already known to the locals in Singapore. This will lead to increase in demand hence the company is now operating full-time. Machines will run for 24 hours a day with 3 shifts of employees. Comes in convenient packs Now that the company is on its 4th and 5th year operation, products will now be offered in blister packs to further answer the needs of the market. Seeing how well the market responded o the product, proponents want to offer the product in bottle or in blister packs. This will give the consumers convenience in carrying around with them the ZILI Plus capsules. Whether going to work or just having relaxing day outside of their homes, it is still necessary to look out for their health and take ZILI Plus. Pricing Strategy Objective: To be able to increase profit by 5% by the end of December 2016 Strategy: During the 4th and 5th year of operation, the proponents plan to price the product a little bit higher compared to the competitors. Using premium pricing will be able to highlight the unique features of the product. It will also reflect how well the market is responding to the product. Premium pricing will be able to emphasize that the product is differentiated from the others due to its 3 in 1 benefits. Proponents want to give emphasis to the fact that though the product is priced a little bit higher; every cent is worth it due to the added value they will be receiving. Health is wealth as they say and its not a practical thing to bargain for it. Based from the GMID Euromonitor, Singaporeans doesnt really mind if the price is high as long as benefits are met and exceeded. Quality of the product is important especially when it comes to health goods because it is their health we are talking about here. They want to make sure that manufacturer can be trusted thats why proponents chosen to use distributors with good public reputation. Place/Distribution Strategy Objective: To be able to maximize the availability of ZILI Plus in major health stores in Singapore from 2012 onwards Strategy: During the fourth and fifth year of operation, proponents decided to have another distributor in Singapore which is the Natures Farm. This company is known for retailing local and foreign brands food supplements. Like GNC, they also have their own brands for health supplements. Hundreds of people visit their stores because of the convenience they provide. They are known to offer a wide variety of health supplements in capsules or in tablets. The proponents are confident that Natures Farm would be able increase our sales through being one of our distributors. Just like with the previous distributors, Natures Farm will also be offered trade discounts to persuade them to have bulk orders. Natures Farm as Distributor Natures Farm is the first specialty health supplement retail chain in Singapore that offers comprehensive range of quality health supplements suitable for modern Asians at great convenience. Natures Farm has successfully positioned itself in the market as a leading modern, Asian health food store supplier of quality natural health food at reasonable prices. The retail company is committed to deliver the highest quality nutritional and health food supplements at the best value to customers. The companys range of health products includes vitamins and minerals, diabetic and organic food and health supplements. Natures Farm has 27 small shops operating in Singapore. LIST OF NATURES FARM OUTLETS IN SINGAPORE CENTRAL REGION EAST / NORTH EAST REGION Bugis Junction Compass Point Ngee Ann City Tampines Mall Junction 8 Parkway Parade Centrepoint Shopping Centre Nex Serangoon Great World City WEST REGION United Square IMM Building Toa Payoh Central West Mall Marina Bay Sands Jurong Point Shopping Centre NORTH REGION Bukit Timah Plaza Thomson Plaza SOUTH REGION Ang Mo Kio Hub Chinatown Point Causeway Point Marina Square Northpoint Shopping Centre The Arcade International Plaza Suntec City Mall Promotion Strategy Objective: To be able to increase the market share up to 3% by the end of December 2016 Strategy: Extensive Advertising The proponents are now on its 4th and 5th year operation. Brand awareness among majority of the potential customers in Singapore is acquired and the brand is now known all over Singapore. Assumin
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Arrival of Things from Another Culture in Hurricane hits England and Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan :: essays research papers
In ââ¬Ëhurricane hits Englandââ¬â¢ (hurricane) by Grace Nichols the arrival of the hurricane challenges the thoughts of the poet, she is initially from the Caribbean but now live in Sussex, until the arrival of the hurricane she has not felt at home in England. This is similar to ââ¬Ëpresents from my Aunts in Pakistanââ¬â¢ (presents) by Moniza Alvi, she also has roots from another country and now lives in England. The arrival of presents from the Pakistan culture challenges her thinking, as does the hurricane to Nichols. The hurricane challenges her thinking by making her realise that it is possible to bring your roots anywhere. She comes to this realisation through the poem and at the end of it comes to the conclusion that ââ¬Ëthe earth is the earth is the earthââ¬â¢. She originally feels torn between her two cultures, it takes the arrival of the hurricane ââ¬Ëto bring her closerââ¬â¢. Whereas in ââ¬Ëpresentsââ¬â¢ it is the arrival of the presents from Pakistan that make her feel torn between cultures. The clothes are a symbol of culture, she feels ââ¬Ëalienââ¬â¢ and awkward wearing them and much more comfortable in her English ââ¬Ëdenim and corduroyââ¬â¢. Nichols also uses symbolism in her poem, the hurricane is a symbol of her Caribbean culture. They are very irregular in England but a regular occurrence in her childhood in the Caribbean, this makes her feel comfortable and at home. The hurricane is used along with many other natural images, this is mainly because of the effect of the wind on the landscape, for example the 'trees / Falling heavy as whales' is an effective line because the huge trees become like whales when the torrential rain that accompanies a hurricane makes the land become almost like a sea. Another natural image is the ââ¬Ëfrozen lake in meââ¬â¢ which metaphorically is the poet being ââ¬Ëfrozenââ¬â¢ away from her county and now the hurricane has arrived to break the ice, so she can bring her roots anywhere. ââ¬ËPresentsââ¬â¢ also uses natural images, the poet describes the sari that is sent as ââ¬Ëapple-greenââ¬â¢ and the salwar kameez as ââ¬Ëpeacock blueââ¬â¢ and the other ââ¬Ëlike an orange split openââ¬â¢. This vibrant simile and the repeated reference to colour draws her to the loveliness of the culture and emphasises the contrast to the boring English
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Outdoor-lifestyle retailer Essay
Executive Summary BBQfun will be the leading outdoor-lifestyle retailer, catering to the growing need for furnishing new and renovated dwellings in the greater Brisbane area. The assortment offer of BBQs, outdoor furniture and BBQ accessories will position BBQfun as best inclass for outdoor-lifestyle retailing. BBQfun will reinvent the way people shop for outdoor-lifestyle products. BBQfun will build its reputation on offering the fullest assortment of products possible in our chosen fields, incorporating both local and imported goods with products sold on easy to manage long-term payment plans. Our after sales service and 3 year guarantees will find traction with a market dominated by low-quality. Situation Analysis BBQfun is close to entering its fifth year of operation. Te initial rollout of stores has been well received, and marketing is now critical to its continued success and future profitability. The store offers wide-ranging outdoor-lifestyle items on easy to manage payment terms and supplies a three year guarantee on every item sold. The basic market need is for quality, fashionable and unique outdoor-lifestyle items that caters to the house-proud needs of our market. Market Summary BBQfun possess good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of our most prized and loyal customers. BBQfun will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how BBQfun can better communicate with them. Market Demographics â⬠¢ Accessibility. The patron can gain easy access to the store with minimal wait. â⬠¢ Customer service. The patron will be impressed with the after sales service and Guarantees. â⬠¢ Competitive pricing. All products/services will be competitively priced relative to comparable high-end outdoor-lifestyle lines. Above all, BBQfun believes that easy to access stores with extensive choices in our chosen fields, that are sold on an easy to manage payment plan with a three year guarantee are the keys to our customerââ¬â¢s needs and wants. Market Trends The market trend for outdoor-lifestyle stores is headed toward a more sophisticated and informed customer. The outdoor-lifestyles patron today relative to yesterday is more sophisticated in a number of different ways. â⬠¢ Item quality. The preference for high-quality items is increasing as customers are learning to appreciate the qualitative differences. â⬠¢ Unique. Our patrons appreciate the opportunity to include outdoor-lifestyles in their home that stand out from the mass produced and sold low quality items. â⬠¢ Selection. People are demanding a larger selection of choices, they are noà longer accepting a limited offer in outdoor-lifestyles. The reason for this trend is that within the last couple of years there has been an explosion of media in the form of TV shows and magazines that have promoted exotic and different outdoor-lifestyles. Our patrons no longer need to accept a limited number of options. With more choices, patrons have become more sophisticated. This trend is intuitive as you can observe a more sophisticated patron in larger city markets such as Sydney or Melbourne where there has been more choices available. BBQfun strongly believes that customers are more interested in range of products, after sales service and easy to manage payments than any other issues. These are the reasons that they will shop with us and become loyal patrons. Technological developments with the broadband rollout across greater Brisbane and Australia is opening up significant opportunities for internet shopping and for providing information for our customers about our product range. Market Growth In 2008, the National outdoor-lifestyle market reached $300 million dollars. Outdoor lifestyle sales are estimated to grow by at least 6% for the next few years. This growth can be attributed to several different factors. The greater disposable household income from the two income families, the greater availability of affordable and interesting quality imports with the high value of the Australian dollar and the marketing by popular TV shows like ââ¬ËHomes Beautifulââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËBetter Outdoor-lifestylesââ¬â¢. Economy Based on economic forecasts, BBQfun assumes that interest rates are staying steady and so will have no affect on disposable income. The same assumption is made about employment levels, where BBQfun assumes that unemployment levels remain the same at 4.7%. Political From research carried out, BBQfun identified that the Government focus and emphasis in future legislative direction will be about ââ¬Ëgrowing the economyââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëpopulation base which BBQfun sees as a positive for their business model. There is also a strong push for environmentally sound business practices in the legislative framework. BBQfun, as business operating in Australia, will abide by the law in all its dealings and comply with all legislation that impacts on its business activities. SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing BBQfun. Strengths â⬠¢ Excellent staff who are highly skilled and knowledgeable about outdoor-lifestyles. â⬠¢ Great retail space that is bright, functional and efficient for a commercial urban district. â⬠¢ High customer loyalty among repeat customers. â⬠¢ Assortment offerings that exceed competitors offerings in quality, range and accessibility. Weaknesses â⬠¢ A limited marketing budget to develop brand awareness due to the lack of critical mass and store cover. â⬠¢ The struggle to continually fund the growing long term repayment plans taken out by our customers. Opportunities â⬠¢ A growing market in a high growth area with a significant percentage of the target market still not aware of BBQfunââ¬â¢s offer. â⬠¢ Increasing sales opportunities outside of our target area ââ¬â greater Brisbane. Threats â⬠¢ Competition from local independents that can reduce prices as owner operators lower than our staff run stores. â⬠¢ Competition from National chains moving into the Brisbane market. â⬠¢ A slump in the economy reducing customerââ¬â¢s disposable income spent on outdoor-lifestyles. Competition National Competition â⬠¢ The Yard: has a limited selection but significant depth. All Australian made. No significant marketing or promotion. The price point is high, but the quality of products are quite good. Not in Brisbane. Mostly in Sydney and Melbourne. â⬠¢ BBQââ¬â¢s R us: Broad range of outdoor-lifestyle products including trinkets and furnishings. Lots of cheap imports. Concentrating on established markets. Strong in the replacements segment. Not in Brisbane. Mostly in Melbourne and Adelaide. â⬠¢ Outdoorz: Large operations of only a few stores per city. Mass markets outdoor lifestyles at good value prices. No imported goods. Extensive advertising. Low to medium quality. Not in Brisbane. Strong in the replacement segment rather than new and refurbishedà dwellings. Strong in other capital cities. Local Competition â⬠¢ All independents. These stores are owned by individual owner operators. Ranges vary according to owner preferences. Very little imports. Mostly retailing Australian manufactured goods. Collectively their average item sale price is $250, have a market share of 48%, and are growing at about 8% per year. BBQfun do not see the competitors changing their marketing strategy or product offer in the foreseeable future. Growth and Share Analysis New dwellings ââ¬â growth in potential customers 10%. Estimated Brisbane customer numbers in 2010 is 95,000. Renovations ââ¬â growth in potential customers 7%. Estimated Brisbane customer numbers in 2010 is 35,000. Replacement ââ¬â growth in potential customers 5%. Estimated Brisbane customer numbers in 2010 is 120,000. Service Offering BBQfun has created a outdoor-lifestyles range of retail products that are differentiated and superior to competitors. Customers can see the quality of the product as it is displayed in the stores. The following are characteristics of the product: 1. BBQfunââ¬â¢s credit offer is backed by a top tier bank. 2. Imported products make up 33% of the assortment. 3. The 3 year guarantee is unique in the market place. 4. Broadest possible range in chosen fields. BBQfunââ¬â¢s prides itself on providing service that is on par if not better than any of the local independent stores and far in excess of the national chains. BBQfun will ensure that all aspects that are involved in the delivery of satisfaction to the customer will work using an integrated approach. At a Glanceââ¬âThe Prototype BBQfun Store: â⬠¢ Location: a commercial, suburban neighbourhood, or urban retail district. â⬠¢ Design: bright and functional. â⬠¢ Size: 1,000 to 1,500 m2. â⬠¢ Employees: 15 to 20 full time plus casuals â⬠¢ Types of transactions: 60% cash, 40% on long term repayment plan. Keys to Success Location. BBQfunââ¬â¢s site selection criteria are critical to success. Scott Bremmer, former partner of an international chain, helped us identify the following site selection criteria: â⬠¢ New dwelling populations. â⬠¢ Shopping patterns requiring easy access. â⬠¢ Customer car parking counts. Critical Issues BBQfun is still in the speculative stage as a possible franchise concept or joint venture. Its critical issues are: â⬠¢ Committed to sales growth which allows for greater options in import assortments and in reduced price with volume buys. This will promote our uniqueness and contribute to improved profit margins. â⬠¢ Continue to finance the easy manage long term repayment plan for customers. â⬠¢ Locate in easy access sites close to the growing markets in new dwelling development. Marketing Strategy BBQfunââ¬â¢s advertising budget is set at $250,000 for the year. The advertising program will target local letter-box drops, radio and magazines. BBQfunââ¬â¢s will do direct mail and local advertising, with coupon inserts in the BrisNews magazine likely to be the most successful of the campaigns. BBQfun will try to get articles about BBQfun into the BrisNews magazine. Previous features in the BrisNews magazine has seen a dramatic increase of sales immediately after the article was published. Mission BBQfunââ¬â¢s mission is to provide customers with the most extensive assortment of quality outdoor-lifestyle products available in the market. Our after sales service is second to none supported by our easy to manage long term repayment plans which make unique, imported and high quality outdoor-lifestyle affordable to all. BBQfun exist to attract and maintain outdoor-lifestyle customers wishing to purchase products that give our customers pride in their homes. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. Marketing Objectives 1. Increase sales from $15million per year to $20million per year in the nextà three years 2. Increase our loyalty customers list from 10,000 to 16,000. 3. Establish brand recognition in Brisbane so that at least 2 in 3 people recognise our brand in a random survey taken in 18 months time. 3.3 Financial Objectives 1. A double-digit growth rate for each future year. 2. Reduce the overhead per store through disciplined management of expenses. 3. Continue increase our gross profit margins. Target Marketing The market can be segmented into three target populations: â⬠¢ New dwellings ââ¬â generally want to purchase entire suites. Typically shopped as couples. Price sensitive to a point but co-ordination is the highest priority. â⬠¢ Renovations ââ¬â demand for high quality and different items. Unique and exotic over rides price concerns. â⬠¢ Replacement ââ¬â basic functional products that replace and broken or worn item. Single shopper. Cheap price required. The BBQfun customers are mostly aged between 20 and 50, making up 50% of the new and renovated dwelling market. Outdoor-lifestyle stores have been very successful in stand alone, extensive car park access, close to new housing estates being established. These areas have families who have household disposable incomes of over $40,000 per year. Combining several key demographic factors, BBQfun arrives at a profile of the primary customer as follows: â⬠¢ Sophisticated people who are house proud. â⬠¢ Shoppers who will drive to an easy to access store. â⬠¢ A customers who requires payment plans to spread their commitment over an extended period. â⬠¢ Renovators and new home builders â⬠¢ 20-50 year olds Positioning BBQfun will position itself as a broad assortment, quality, unique outdoor-lifestyle retailer. Brisbane consumers who appreciate high-quality and uniqueness will recognize the value and unique offerings of BBQfun. Patrons will be single as well as families, ages 20-50. BBQfunââ¬â¢s positioning will leverage their competitive edge: â⬠¢ Product. The product will be wide ranging, quality and unique. It offers the house proud customer a differentà option from the cheap mass produced offer prevalent in the market â⬠¢ Service. BBQfun offer the only 3 years guarantee in the market. Our easy play payment scheme is just what our mortgage repaying customers welcome. Our experienced staff can assist with product knowledge second to none in the industry. By offering a superior service in range and uniqueness, BBQfun will excel relative to the competition and achieve our objectives. Strategy Pyramids The single objective is to position BBQfun as the premier outdoor-lifestyles store in the greater Brisbane area, commanding a majority of the market share within five years. The marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding their services offered, develop that customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals. The message that BBQfun will seek to communicate is that BBQfun offers the widest, most exotic, easy access outdoor-lifestyle products in Brisbane. This message will be communicated through a variety of methods. The first will be direct mail. The direct mail campaign will be a way to communicate directly with the consumer. BBQfun will also use ads and inserts in Brizzy magazine.The last method for communicating BBQfunââ¬â¢s message is through a grassroots PR campaign. This campaign will invite people from Brizzy for lunch to get articles written about BBQfun into the news. Because of this level of effectiveness and low/zero cost, BBQfun will work hard to get press in the Brizzy. BBQfun also believe that the local patrons far prefer to receive information from the store via flyers in the letterbox. Marketing Mix BBQfunââ¬â¢s marketing mix is comprised of these following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service. â⬠¢ Pricing. While BBQfun will price at comparable prices for comparable quality, it will not be cheap. We push value over cheap and back this up with a 3 year guarantee. â⬠¢ Distribution. BBQfun products will be distributed through a chain of retail stores which customers can access easily via the large car parking arrangements. â⬠¢ Advertising and Promotion. The most successful advertising will be ads and inserts in the Brizzy as well as a PR campaign of informational articles and reviews also within the Brizzy. Promotions will take the form of in store entertainment and competitions with prizes to exotic overseas destinations. â⬠¢ Customer Service. BBQfunââ¬â¢s philosophy isà that whatever needs to be done to make the customer happy must occur, this investment will pay off with a fiercely loyal customer base who is extremely vocal to their friends with referrals. Product development It is envisaged that new products will be developed on a regular basis in line with changes in customer taste which is targeted at every 12 months. The plan for product testing is to engage market research firms. By getting feedback from these firms, changes can be made or products ââ¬Ëcannedââ¬â¢ so that only tested and proven products make it onto the store assortment list. Marketing Research During the initial phases of the marketing plan development, several focus groups were held to gain insight into a variety of patrons of outdoor-lifestyle stores. These focus groups provided useful insight into the decisions, and decision making processes, of consumers. An additional source of market research that is dynamic is a feedback mechanism based on a suggestion card system in store. The last source of market research is competitive analysis/appreciation. BBQfun management will continually visit local outdoor-lifestyle stores for two reasons. The first is for competitive analysis, providing BBQfun with timely information regarding other storeââ¬â¢s service offering. The second reason is that local business owners, are often part of an informal fraternal organization where they support each otherââ¬â¢s business. Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts This section will offer a financial overview of BBQfun as it relates to the marketing activities. BBQfun will address Break-even Analysis, sales forecasts, expense forecasts, and how those link to the marketing strategy. Break-even Analysis The Break-even Analysis indicates that $1.1 million in sales per year will be needed to reach the break-even point. Fixed costs are estimated at $150,000. Variable costs are 40% of sales, therefore sales of $1.0 million will be sufficient to pay for the fixed and variable cost. Sales Forecast The first year of the plan will be used to get the cafe up and running. By year two things will get busier. Sales will gradually increase with profitability being reached by the beginning of year two. Gross profit isà anticipated at 50%. Ongoing sales forecasting will be to use the services of Cannonââ¬â¢s Consultants who will advise on all aspects of the marketing function that BBQfun will be engaged with. Cannons will also be given access to the marketing cost data so that they can periodically examine and validate marketing costs in line with industry benchmarks. They have always been the preferred consultants because they are locally based unlike the national group of consultants, Brown & Holingsworth, based in Melbourne.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Strategic Directions-formal and informal
Strategic Directions-formal and informal 2) Discuss the ways in which managers arrive at new strategic directions-formal and informal. Which is the best?The first phase of a strategic formulation process is the planning phase. A statement of missions and objectives is developed which charts the direction of the company and provides the groundwork for subsequent strategic processes. The objectives of a company evolve from the stated mission. After the mission and objectives are completed, a company must develop an environmental assessment, which will entail collecting and compiling necessary geographic data as well as forecasting trends and actions by the competition. The next step involves an internal analysis, which determines the strengths and weaknesses of the firm's financial and managerial expertise compared to that of its competitors. This analysis focuses on the company's resources and operations. Next, company managers must ascertain the relative and potential competitive position of firms in that market or location . This will enable their company to identify potential problems, which need correcting or the need to eliminate consideration of other strategies.International Relations BookThe next major step in the strategic planning process considers the advantages and disadvantages of various strategic alternatives. The two levels are the overall approach to the global marketplace and the specific entry strategy appropriate for each country considered.3) Explain the process of environmental assessment. What are the major international variables to consider in the scanning process? Discuss the levels of environmental monitoring that should be conducted. How well do you think managers conduct environmental assessment?Environmental assessment is a major step in weighing international strategic options. The list of variables to consider during the environmental scanning process include the following:a) Political instability- such matters as war, political unrest and terrorist activity could jeopard ize the ownership or viability of a foreign business.b) Currency instability- Inflation and fluctuations...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
DNA Fingerprinting1 essays
DNA Fingerprinting1 essays DNA Fingerprinting is also referred to as DNA profiling and DNA typing. It was first developed as an identification technique in England in 1985. The original use was to expose the presence of any genetic diseases. About three years later it became used to identify criminals through the analysis of genetic material and to settle paternity disputes. It is still used for those reasons today. The DNA fingerprinting process is called gel electrophoresis. It is a process that can sort pieces of DNA according to its size. The process is done by taking samples of DNA from the crime scene and comparing it with samples from the accused. Samples are taken from biological materials like blood, semen, hair, and saliva. In the testing process the DNA samples are first entered into the wells in a gel like substance called Agarose. The gel is placed between two electrodes, one negatively charged and the other positively charged. The wells in the Agarose are inserted on the negative side because DNA has a negative charge. Molecules of DNA then travel in lanes toward the positive side. Small molecules will travel farther than the bigger ones, because they have an easier time moving through the gel. So the molecules will then be assorted according to their size. Next, the gel is X-rayed to see the parallel bands (showed by black bars on the film) in each lane. The separated molecule s of DNA form a pattern of parallel bands that show the structure of the DNA. The pattern should never change for one person. In a court of law, the results of a DNA fingerprinting examination can be used to convict or acquit an accused person. If the accused's DNA matches the one at the crime scene then that person could be convicted. Critics believe that a DNA fingerprint may not yet be reliable enough to use in the court system. They question how accurate a DNA fingerprint is and the cost of it. They believe that it is not very accurate ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
HR Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
HR - Assignment Example The aim of this paper is to shed light on the various facets of telecommuting, its implications, work management tools and a pilot program suggestion that incorporates all the necessary elements for effectiveness. Gone are the days when it was customary for work to be done within confined spaces and offices behind a desk in from a designated time period. The growing importance of human resources and a study of the various aspects associated with it gave birth to new concepts that were aimed at motivating employees as a driver of productivity. Many theories emerged for example the service profit model that proposes that motivated employees contribute towards workplace efficiency and ultimately improve the overall service levels of the business. Since employee motivation plays a significant role in internally driving the workforce to give their best at their work, many steps and accommodations are allowed by the employers to make sure that the employees are at ease while at work. The growing importance of a dedicated workforce for the overall organizational success has made it imperative that their changing needs are accounted for and catered too. Employees now seek work discretion and creativity as important factor for pursuing and retaining a job. Personal lives and commitments are regarded as important as professional ones, making it necessary for the workplaces to provide them the flexibility to enjoy both. Just like job sharing and working time flexibility, telecommuting is one such feature that plays a massive role in giving the employees the power and flexibility to work as they please but within time. Telecommuting refers to the ability of the employees to work from distant locations during some days of the week (, 2014). These locations could include homes, libraries or other work stations. By allowing the employees to do the same work they would have done if they were at the office, from a place of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Fire Protection Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Fire Protection Systems - Research Paper Example Automatic activation can also occur in several forms, designed to a number of physical changes associated with fire. Such devices include heat detectors, smoke detectors, flame detectors, fire gas detectors and water flow detectors. Modern innovation can use cameras and computers to analyze the visual signs of fire and movement in applications inappropriate for or hostile to other detection methods (Greenman, 2003). Notifications from fire alarms to alert the occupants of the need to evacuate premises or take appropriate actions due to fire emergencies can be in audible, visible, tactile, textual or even olfactory (odorized) forms. Emergency signals are automatically intended to be distinct and understandable in order top avoid confusion with other signals. The Temporal Code 3 which chimes three times at one-second intervals, stops for one second the repeats is the most common audible in the modern fire alarm system. Other methods of audio alerts include audible textual appliances, continuous and voice evaluation. In some fire alarm systems especially in high-rise buildings, arenas and other large facilities such as hospitals where total evacuation is difficult to achieve, emergency voice alarm communication systems (EVACS) are used. This voice based system allows personnel to orderly evacuate and notify occupants in such crowded buildings. Strategically too, especially in high-rise buildings, depending on exact location of fire, different evaluation messages may be played on each floor to facilitate orderly evacuation and saving of lives (Jones, 2009). New codes and standards have enabled alarm system manufacturers to expand their systems voice evacuation capabilities to support trending requirements for mass notifications including possibility of multiple types of emergency messaging. To serve those with disabilities too, emergency communication systems have visible notification along with audio. Mass notification systems
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